Resource Tuner v2.01 CracKed By Hmily[LCG]绿色破解版下载

来源:独木成林 浏览:1273次 时间:2015-01-17

电脑成了我们生活中的必备之物,虽然现在还达不到人手一台,但是一般每家一台那是很正常的,那电脑系统大家应该是很熟悉的吧?一些弄过电脑的都知道,PE是电脑系统工具,今天独木成林为大家带来了一款电脑工具Resource Tuner,需要的朋友可以试下!

如果你用过PE Explorer的话,那么你对Resource Tuner的界面不会陌生,Resource Tuner和PE Explorer其实都是出自同一家公司的,Resource Tuner是windows可执行文件的资源修改工具,可以查看、提取、编辑、修改、翻译、修改windows可执行文件中的资源,特别是针对Delphi程序字符串处理较好,而且依然还在更新的。

测试环境:win7     32位

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Resource editor:

Added the Find command to search for text within resources.

Fixed the interface scaling issues.

Bugfix: Error in the Dialog Editor caused corrupted controls and loss of strings.

Bugfix: Error in the DFM Editor occasionally caused loss of unsaved changes.

Bugfix: Repeated save operations caused corrupted files.

Other minor bugfixes and improvements.

File name: ResTuner_setup.exe

File size: 4.08 Mb

Product version: 2.01

Released: October 01, 2014

Runs on: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8

Language: English, Deutsch, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish



MD5: 518BE9EE21619F7583E2BFAFCE4FBD51