中国百货商业协会“ CHINA COMMERCE ASSOCIATION FOR GENERAL MECHANDISE ”(英文名缩写 CCAGM )是经民政部批准,在国务院国有资产监督管理委员会和商务部的指导下,具有社会团体法人资格的社团组织。协会以从事日用百货消费品的流通、生产、服务、科研、教育等活动为主的,各种所有制形式,各种业态的企事业单位或企业联合组织及个人,自愿组成,是全国百货行业性、非营利性社团组织。
www.ccagm.org.cn - 2010-04-21中国-东盟自由贸易区
www.cafta.org.cn - 2010-04-21中国-东盟自由贸易区
www.cafta.org.cn - 2010-04-21ECVV
Business to Business marketplace China for b2b manufacturers, suppliers, exporters, importers & global buyers. ECVV, a China based b2b directory for international business includes China manufacturers, China products, China suppliers and exporters.
www.ecvv.com - 2010-04-21ECVV
Business to Business marketplace China for b2b manufacturers, suppliers, exporters, importers & global buyers. ECVV, a China based b2b directory for international business includes China manufacturers, China products, China suppliers and exporters.
www.ecvv.com - 2010-04-21Made-in-China
China manufacturer directory and China products catalog, providing trade leads among China factory, manufacturers, suppliers, and global buyers.
www.made-in-china.com - 2010-04-21Made-in-China
China manufacturer directory and China products catalog, providing trade leads among China factory, manufacturers, suppliers, and global buyers.
www.made-in-china.com - 2010-04-21HKTDC(香港贸发局)
hktdc.com is the trusted online marketplace connecting over 100,000 credible and verified Hong Kong and China suppliers with over a million quality buyers around the world.
www.hktdc.com - 2010-04-21HKTDC(香港贸发局)
hktdc.com is the trusted online marketplace connecting over 100,000 credible and verified Hong Kong and China suppliers with over a million quality buyers around the world.
www.hktdc.com - 2010-04-21Alibaba Manufacturer Directory
Alibaba Manufacturer Directory - Suppliers, Manufacturers, Exporters & Importers.
www.alibaba.com - 2010-04-20