www.chinaventure.com.cn - 2010-04-20LEGEND CAPITAL(联想投资)
Legend Capital, a subsidiary of Legend Holdings Ltd., started its vintage year in April, 2001 with a mission to become a top-notch and the most respected venture capital investment manager in China.
www.legendcapital.com.cn - 2010-04-20深圳市创新投资集团有限公司
www.szvc.com.cn - 2010-04-20NewMargin Ventures(上海联创)
NewMargin Ventures is a leading venture capital management company in China. Our overriding mission is to support China's emerging entrepreneurs to build world-class companies.
www.newmargin.com - 2010-04-20IDG(美国国际数据集团)
IDG is the world's leading technology media, events and research company. Since its founding in 1964, IDG has been committed to helping people acquire and use technology successfully.
www.idg.com - 2010-04-20World Gold Council(世界黄金协会)
World Gold Council, the information resource for gold, investment, jewellery, science and technology, historical and culture.
www.gold.org - 2010-04-19汇通网
www.fx678.com - 2010-04-16搜狐-外汇频道
搜狐外汇频道提供全面及时的外汇资讯,及各国主要外汇行情,包含外汇评论 、外汇理财、人民币汇率、外汇数据分析和全球央行动态。经过多年发展,搜狐外汇频道已经成为了一个集外汇行情,分析、咨询等于一体的国内最好的外汇网站。
money.sohu.com/waihui - 2010-04-16新浪财经-外汇
新浪外汇为全球用户提供24小时全面及时的外汇中文资讯,同时开设博客、专家坐堂、论坛等自由互动交流空间,频道内容包括外汇分析预测 、汇市分析、数据分析、货币分析、机构观点、市场信息和汇市学堂。经过多年发展,新浪外汇频道已经成为了一个集外汇行情,外汇分析、咨询等于一体的业内领先的外汇网站。
finance.sina.com.cn/forex - 2010-04-16