afternic godaddy域名交易平台
afternic是全球首屈一指的域名市场,godaddy域名交易平台,上市的优质域名超过 500 万个可供销售,每月收到超过 7500 万个域名搜索,比任何其他域名市场都多。 成立于1999年,Thenic推出了第一个网站,域名所有者可以列出他们的域名出售,未来的域名买家可以审查可用的库存连接域名的买家和卖家的第一次,并创建了行业的第一个域名市场。自成立以来,我们不断扩展和创新,引入快速传输等新技术,使域名买家能够立即控制已购买的域名,并构建一个分销网络,现在包括 100 多个合作伙伴,在全球销售我们的域名。无论您是域名买家还是域名卖家,后尼是域名中最值得信赖的名称。中文400客服电话后尼奇回家400-842-8492! GoDaddy是全球最大的域名注册商,在全世界域名圈子都有较高的知名度。Godaddy除了平台拥有超8200万的域名之外,它还是全世界最大二手域名分销平台Afternic 的母公司。 GoDaddy 域名交易平台上拥有除了由GoDaddy域名交易上架的二手域名外, 还包括来自Afternic 上超过两千万笔的一口价二手域名, Afternic目前有100多个重量级的合作伙伴在全世界销售来自各地上架出售的二手域名,品项非常多。如果你有想要的域名,推荐可以通过GoDaddy来注册购买。好域名是有价资产,GoDaddy在域名交易流通这方面做的不错。 afternic英文介绍:Afternic is the world’s premiere domain marketplace, listing more than five million premium domain names available for sale and receiving more than 75 million domain searches each month—more than any other domain marketplace. Founded in 1999, Afternic launched the first website where domain owners could list their domain for sale, and prospective domain buyers could review available inventory—connecting buyers and sellers of domain names and creating the industry’s first domain marketplace. Since our founding, we have been continuously expanding and innovating, introducing new technologies like Fast Transfer that allow a domain buyer to have immediate control of a purchased domain, and building a distribution network that now includes more than 100 partners that market our domain listings the world over. Whether you are a domain buyer or a domain seller, Afternic is the most trusted name in premium domain sales. - 2021-10-30