
  • 成龙官方网站

    The Official Website of Jackie Chan。

    www.jackiechan.com - 2010-01-19
  • 新娘杂志


    www.brides.com.cn - 2010-01-18
  • 百度空间


    hi.baidu.com - 2010-01-18
  • 网上心理测验

    采用Item Response Theory(IRT)技术,进行Computerized Adaptive Testing(CAT)方式的中文网络心理测验。

    www.psy-test.net - 2010-01-16
  • 囧客


    www.jionger.com - 2010-01-16
  • Best Friends

    Best Friends Animal Society runs the nation's largest sanctuary for abused and abandoned animals.

    www.bestfriends.org - 2010-01-11
  • WWF Schweiz

    Der WWF Schweiz ist die nationale Organisation der globalen Umweltschutzorganisation WWF. Das Ziel: Der weltweiten Naturzerst?rung Einhalt zu gebieten und eine Zukunft zu gestalten, in der Mensch und Natur in Einklang leben.

    www.wwf.ch - 2010-01-11

    Hong Kong-based charity dedicated to ending cruelty and restoring respect for all animals in Asia.

    www.animalsasia.org - 2010-01-11
  • E-Cards

    hundreds of photos and animations to choose from for online greetings. Great cards for birthdays and other special occasions. Every card you send helps support nature and the environment.

    www.e-cards.com - 2010-01-09
  • Regards.com

    The web's largest collection of free greeting cards including free birthday ecards, animated e-cards, and free holiday ecards.

    www.regards.com - 2010-01-09