7-Zip is open source software. Most of the source code is under the GNU LGPL license. The unRAR code is under a mixed license: GNU LGPL + unRAR restrictions.
www.7-zip.org - 2010-02-26WinZip
WinZip: the world’s leading Zip file utility for file compression, encryption, packaging, and data backup. WinZip saves time and space, making it easy to zip and unzip files for quick, efficient and secure data transmission and storage.
www.winzip.com - 2010-02-26谋智网络
www.mozillaonline.com - 2010-02-25紫光扫描仪
www.thuniscan.com - 2010-02-1110moons(天敏)
10moons Technology Development Co. Ltd specializes in designing, manufacturing and marketing TV tuners, RMVB Players,Digital Photo Frames,Webcams, IP cameras, and security DVRs.
www.10moons.net - 2010-02-11苹果中国
苹果股份有限公司,简称苹果公司,英文名Apple, Inc.(NASDAQ: AAPL) (LSE:ACP),苹果的Apple II于1970年代助长了个人电脑革命,其後的Macintosh接力于1980年代持续发展。最知名的产品是其出品的Apple II、Macintosh电脑、iPod数位音乐播放器和iTunes音乐商店,它在高科技企业中以创新而闻名。
www.apple.com.cn - 2010-02-07Apple(苹果)
Apple designs and creates iPod and iTunes, Mac laptop and desktop computers, the OS X operating system, and the revolutionary iPhone.
www.apple.com - 2010-02-07Creative(创新)
The worldwide leader in Digital Entertainment products for your personal computer and the Internet with Sound Blaster Sound Cards, NOMAD MP3 Players, Creative WebCams, and Inspire speaker systems.
www.creative.com - 2010-02-03双敏电子
双敏电子科技有限公司(UNIKA ELECTRONICS)-前身香港雅丽电子科技有限公司(ARTICS ELECTRONICS),成立于1993年,于1996年正式更名为双敏电子科技有限公司(UNIKA ELECTRONICS)。双敏电子十年来一直秉持 “用户的需要,我们的追求”的经营理念,力求以卓越的产品质量和热忱的售后服务博得用户信赖!为了在极度竞争的IT产业中保持竞争力,双敏电子在市场、成本和服务上同步领先,而成为板卡行业中的佼佼者!
www.unika.com.cn - 2010-02-02IBM
The IBM corporate home page, entry point to information about IBM products and services.
www.ibm.com - 2010-01-30