
  • SMC Networks

    A leading provider of networking solutions for the SMB/e and the home, SMC? puts more than 30 years' experience to work in every product and solution the company manufactures.

    www.smc.com - 2010-02-05
  • Accton

    Accton’s goal is to become a gigantic tree in the future that achieved its growth through the experience and wisdom of everyone. Will increasing in age, old branches give birth to new twigs to form a fruitful tree that provides shade to those near.

    www.accton.com - 2010-02-05
  • 建碁


    www.aopen.com.cn - 2010-02-05
  • AOpen

    AOpen continues as the company of choice for PC components and peripherals in the distribution channel. We are an established market leader, from motherboards to monitors, to multimedia add-on cards, and more.

    www.aopen.com - 2010-02-05
  • HYUNDAI(现代)

    Activities include automobiles, heavy industry, construction, electronics and finance.

    www.hyundaicorp.com - 2010-02-05
  • 九州风神

    九州风神 - 专业的风扇散热器厂家,cpu风扇,电源风扇,笔记本风扇,电脑风扇,系统风扇,服务器散热器,北桥,风扇,减震器,导热膏,散热器。

    www.aeolus.com.cn - 2010-02-05
  • Supermicro(超微)

    Motherboards, chassis, power supplies, Server, Super Blade and other key components.

    www.supermicro.nl - 2010-02-05
  • KINGMAX(胜创)

    KINGMAX Semiconductor Inc,a global memory technology leader, has long been committed to the innovation of the best memory module solutions.

    www.kingmax.com - 2010-02-05
  • Allied Telesis(安奈特)

    Is your competition driving you to find the most cost-effective networking solution to gain an advantage in your industry or market? The Internet has expanded beyond the original dream of its inventors.

    www.alliedtelesis.com - 2010-02-05
  • 安奈特

    安奈特(Allied Telesis)自1987年在美国硅谷成立以来一直在世界以太网解决方案领域占据领先地位,同时它在创建新兴的宽带基础设施方面也始终保持着先进的理念。历经近二十年的发展,安奈特的业务已遍及全球,在世界各地拥有二百多个分支机构,建设了完善的研发中心、生产基地、销售渠道以及售前和售后服务体系。

    www.alliedtelesis.com.cn - 2010-02-05